2021 California Native American Day Social Media Celebration

2021 California Native American Day Social Media Celebration

Please see below for videos, messages, and content from elected officials and state agencies celebrating the 54th California Native American Day!

In light of the Delta variant and significant increase in COVID-19 cases, in addition to the wildfires impacting several California tribal communities, the California Native American Day Host Organization and Planning Committee have made the difficult decision to cancel this year’s Native American Day celebration at the State Capitol, originally planned for September 24, 2021. We have determined that bringing our families, elders, cultural bearers and attendees together at this time is not worth the risk as the COVID-19 pandemic continues to tax tribal communities and our healthcare providers throughout the state. 

We are celebrating California Native American Day via Social Media with messages from our elected officials, information sharing from California’s agency Tribal Liaisons, and resources. 

Visit the California Native American Day Facebook Page and Instagram Account to watch video messages and share in the celebration with hashtag #CA54NAD.

Video Messages

California Native American Day Message from California Attorney General Rob Bonta.
California Native American Day Message from California’s Natural Resources Secretary Wade Crowfoot
Jules Tavernier and the Elem Pomo, Featured by Fine Arts Museums of SF and The MET
The California Natural Resources Conservancy, US Green Builders Council of Central California, the San Joaquin River Conservancy, and the Advocates for Indigenous California Language Survival have all come together to maintain the beauty and history of this land and the original peoples on it. The land will be preserved and grown using traditional indigenous practices, as well as holding a unique, highly sustainable Indigenous and Environmental Resource Center. Hear the hopes and dreams of some of the amazing women helping to bring this vision to life!
The Impossible Dream: Native American Veterans
Honoring the Service of Native American Veterans